Проф. др Гoрдaнa Кoзoдeрoвић
Катедра за природне науке и менаџмент у образовању
Среда од 10-12h
Среда од 10-12h
Ванредни професор
Канцеларија 47
025/412-030 локал 151
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Радна биографија
- Ванредни професор, ужа научна област Природне науке, Педагошки факултет у Сомбору, 2018.
- Доцент, ужа научна област Природне науке, Педагошки факултет у Сомбору, 2013-2018.
- Дипломирани биолог, Институт за јавно здравље Војводине, 1994-2013.
Репрезентативне референце
- Kozoderović, G., Todorović, D., Đilas, M., Kartalović, B., & Velhner, M. (2021). White‑tailed eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) in protected Danube wetlands as carriers of Escherichia coli with resistance and virulence genes. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 67, 103.
- Kozoderović, G., Velhner, M., Jelesić, Z., Golić, N., Lozo, J.& Kehrenberg, C. (2012). Prevalence of quinolone resistance and mutations in the topoisomerase genes in Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis isolates from Serbia. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 40(5), 455-7.
- Velhner, M., Kozoderović, G., Grego, E., Galić, N., Stojanov, I., Jelesić, Z., & Kehrenberg, C. (2014). Clonal spread of Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis in Serbia: acquisition of mutations in the topoisomerase genes gyrA and parC leads to increased resistance to fluoroquinolones. Zoonoses and Public Health,
- Süli, T., *Kozoderović, G., Potkonjak, A., Vidanović, D., Tešović, B., Vračar, V., Miladinović Tasić, N., Stensvold, C. R., & Lalošević, V. (2021). Subtyping Blastocystis in pigs and humans revealed unusual avian-specific subtype ST6 in humans in Serbia. Zoonoses and Public Health, 00, 1–5.
- Vračar, V., Potkonjak, A., Spasojević Kosić, Lj., Lalošević, V., & Kozoderović, G. (2022). The first molecular detection of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in dogs from Serbia: a potential threat to human health? Veterinaria Italiana, in pres
- Kozoderović, G., Lalošević, V, Süli, T., & Vračar, V. (2022). The first record of mcr-1 gene for colistin resistance in pigs from Serbia: should we be worried? Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 25(3), 463-467.
- Bošnjak Stepanović, M., Pešut, N., Branković, N., & Kozoderović, G. (2019). Primary School Students’ Misconceptions about Physical Properties of Water. The New Educational Review, 57(3), 127-138.
- Bošnjak Stepanović, M., Maričić, O., Kozoderović, G., Branković, N., & Simić, M. (2022). Experience in Preschool Science Teaching in Serbia and Germany during Pandemic. PEGAS Journal, 11(2), 263-280.
- Bajić, M., Kozoderović, G., & Marić, M. (2020). Stavovi učitelja o primeni ambijentalne nastave u početnom ekološkom obrazovanju. Zbornik Radova Filozofskog Fakulteta u Prištini, L(4): 315-333.
- Petrović, D., Bogosavljević-Šijakov, M., & Kozoderović, G. (2016). Misconceptions of Undergraduate Students in Classification within Kingdom Animalia (Invertebrates/Vertebrates). In: Education and the Social Challenges at the Beginning of the 21st Century (eds Danijela Petrović, Mihael Antolović), Faculty of Education in Sombor, Sombor, pp.186-200. ISBN 978-86-6095-052-1