Доц. др Сандра Совиљ Никић
Катедра за информатику и медије
Пошаљи мејл
Остале информације
Остале информације
Радна биографија
- Доцент, ужа научна област Информатика са методиком наставе, Педагошки факултет у Сомбору, 2021.
Репрезентативне референце
- Sovilj-Nikić, S., Sovilj-Nikić, I., (2008). Application of Genetic Algorithm in Median Filtering, Systems Science, 34 (4), pp. 79-85, Wroclaw: University of Technology
- Sovilj-Nikić, S., (2009). Image Quality Enhancement by Applying Genetic Algorithm in Median Filtering, Advances in Computer Science and IT, pp. 277-294, Vienna: In-Tech Education and Publishing
- Sovilj-Nikić, S., Delić, V., Sovilj-Nikić, I., Marković, M. (2014). Tree-based phone duration modeling of the Serbian language, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika), 20 (3), pp. 77-82, Kaunas: University of Technology
- Sovilj-Nikić, S., Sovilj-Nikić, I. (2015). The development of phone duration model in speech synthesis in the Serbian language, invited paper in Proc. of TELFOR 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 693-699
- Sovilj-Nikić, S., Sovilj-Nikić, I., Marković, M. (2018). Meta learning approach to phone duration modeling, Tehnički vjesnik/Technical Gazette, 25 (3), pp. 855-860
- Sovilj-Nikić, S., Sovilj-Nikić, I. (2019). Phone duration modeling of the Serbian language: Comparative evaluation of different models, Encyclopedia of Liguistics (7 Volume Set), Marilynn Shari Firmin (Ed.), Volume 1, Chapter 7, p. 22, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
- Sovilj-Nikić, I., Sovilj, B., Sovilj-Nikić, S., Podgornik, B., Godec, M., Đokić, R. (2022). Identifying the Structure and Tribological Characteristics of the Material of Uncoated and Coated Model Single-Tooth Hob Milling Tool Using Original Мodular Fixture, Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering, Mechanisms and Machine Science, Volume 109, Cham: Springer Nature
- Jesic, D., Sovilj-Nikic, S., Kovac, P., Sovilj, B., Kandeva, M., Kalitchin, Zh., Savkovic, B. (2022). Eco-Tribological Properties of Nodular Cast Iron of Ferritic Structural Basis, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 23 (1), pp. 171-182, Sofia: Scientific Bulgarians Communications
- Vucetic, N., Jovicic, G., Antunovic, R., Sovilj-Nikic, S., Kosarac, A., Jeremic, D., (2022). Integrity Assessment of An Aircraft Cylinder Assembly with a Crack, 56 (4), pp. 389-396, Materiali in tehnologije
- Blanusa, V., Sovilj-Nikic, S., Sovilj, B., Kandeva, M., Kalitchin, Zh., Gavanski, D. (2022). Influence of Different Types of Substrate on the Risk of Injury in Working Environment, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 23 (8), pp. 3291-3302, Sofia: Scientific Bulgarians Communications